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(Ný síða: '''Meaning of Deaf Empowerment. Exploring Development and Deafness in Namibia''' Lokaverkefni til MA-gráðu í þróunarfræði við Félagsvísindasvið Háskóla Íslands '''Iðu...)
Lína 6: Lína 6:
Empowerment is a recent and a popular concept within international development studies which emphasizes people-centered approaches where the beneficiaries in developing countries are seen as active participants rather than merely being passive recipients of aid. The aim of this research is to explore the influence of development programs on empowerment of Deaf individuals based a fieldwork that took place in Namibia from September to October 2012 through the Centre for Communication and Deaf Studies (CCDS) in Windhoek. The focus was in part on a development project of the Icelandic International Development Agency (ICEIDA) which was carried out in 2006-2010 in Namibia. The research followed participation observation with qualitative methodology based on interviews, conversations and interaction with the group of participants.
Empowerment is a recent and a popular concept within international development studies which emphasizes people-centered approaches where the beneficiaries in developing countries are seen as active participants rather than merely being passive recipients of aid. The aim of this research is to explore the influence of development programs on empowerment of Deaf individuals based a fieldwork that took place in Namibia from September to October 2012 through the Centre for Communication and Deaf Studies (CCDS) in Windhoek. The focus was in part on a development project of the Icelandic International Development Agency (ICEIDA) which was carried out in 2006-2010 in Namibia. The research followed participation observation with qualitative methodology based on interviews, conversations and interaction with the group of participants.
The results suggest that despite some great improvements in field of deafness in Namibia, the fact remains that Deaf in Namibia are still excluded from education to a large extent. The educational system does not fully recognize the needs of Deaf pupils and the access to interpreters remains a barrier. It was concluded that despite the willingness among specialists in Namibia there is still a lack within the strict system of Namibia to allow for exceptions when it comes to put things in action. Nevertheless the results indicate that empowerment is an important concept for Deaf people in developing countries and projects can have long lasting empowering effects on individuals.
The results suggest that despite some great improvements in field of deafness in Namibia, the fact remains that Deaf in Namibia are still excluded from education to a large extent. The educational system does not fully recognize the needs of Deaf pupils and the access to interpreters remains a barrier. It was concluded that despite the willingness among specialists in Namibia there is still a lack within the strict system of Namibia to allow for exceptions when it comes to put things in action. Nevertheless the results indicate that empowerment is an important concept for Deaf people in developing countries and projects can have long lasting empowering effects on individuals.

Núverandi breyting frá og með 15. maí 2017 kl. 11:16

Meaning of Deaf Empowerment. Exploring Development and Deafness in Namibia

Lokaverkefni til MA-gráðu í þróunarfræði við Félagsvísindasvið Háskóla Íslands

Iðunn Ása Óladóttir

Empowerment is a recent and a popular concept within international development studies which emphasizes people-centered approaches where the beneficiaries in developing countries are seen as active participants rather than merely being passive recipients of aid. The aim of this research is to explore the influence of development programs on empowerment of Deaf individuals based a fieldwork that took place in Namibia from September to October 2012 through the Centre for Communication and Deaf Studies (CCDS) in Windhoek. The focus was in part on a development project of the Icelandic International Development Agency (ICEIDA) which was carried out in 2006-2010 in Namibia. The research followed participation observation with qualitative methodology based on interviews, conversations and interaction with the group of participants.

The results suggest that despite some great improvements in field of deafness in Namibia, the fact remains that Deaf in Namibia are still excluded from education to a large extent. The educational system does not fully recognize the needs of Deaf pupils and the access to interpreters remains a barrier. It was concluded that despite the willingness among specialists in Namibia there is still a lack within the strict system of Namibia to allow for exceptions when it comes to put things in action. Nevertheless the results indicate that empowerment is an important concept for Deaf people in developing countries and projects can have long lasting empowering effects on individuals.

Hugtakið valdefling hefur verið áberandi innan þróunarfræðinnar síðastliðna áratugi þar sem áhersla er á þátttöku heimamanna í þróunar-verkefnum. Litið er á einstaklinga sem þátttakendur í framþróun eigin samfélags og áhersla er lögð á sjálfstæða ákvarðanatöku þeirra. Markmið þessarar rannsóknar er að kanna áhrif valdeflingar heyrnarlausra einstaklinga sem byggir á vettvangsrannsókn í Namibíu sem gerð var í september og október árið 2012 í gegnum samskiptamiðstöð heyrnarlausa (CCDS) í Windhoek. Áherslan var að hluta til á þróunarverkefni Þróunarsamvinnustofnunnnar Íslands (ÞSSÍ), frá árunum 2006-2010 í Namibíu. Rannsóknin fór fram með þátttökuathugun og eigindlegri aðferð sem byggði á viðtölum, samtölum og samskiptum við hóp þátttakenda.

Niðurstöðurnar benda til að þrátt miklar framfarir á sviði heyrnarlausra í Namibíu eru heyrnarlausir enn útilokaðir frá menntun að miklu leyti. Menntakerfið er ekki í stakk búið til að koma til móts við þarfir heyrnarlausra og skortur á túlkaþjónustu er enn mikil hindrun. Niðurstöður benda til þess að þrátt fyrir að einstaklingar innan sviðs er varða heyrnarlausa leggi sitt af mörkum er enn skortur á vilja innan stjórnkerfisins til að veita undanþágur innan menntakerfisins og leggja til kostnað í túlkaþjónustu. Niðurstöður gefa einnig til kynna að valdefling sé mikilvægt hugtak fyrir þróunarverkefni er varða heyrnarlaust fólk í þróunarlöndunum og geta leitt til valdeflingar heyrnarlausra einstaklinga til langs tíma.

Ritgerðin er aðgengileg í heild sinni hér: Meaning of Deaf Empowerment. Exploring Development and Deafness in Namibia